KaizenKit Pricing

KaizenKit subscription price is based on the size of server instance.  We believe instance based pricing is the right option for organizations that want the flexibility to be able to support large number of workflows and users without having to constantly worry about number of users and related pricing.

The sizing guide below is only a guidance based on our experience. As such there is no contractual connection between instance type and number of users in the system.

Unlimited Users (including Supply Chain Participants)
Hundreds of Quality Workflow Templates
Increase or Decrease Usage As Needed
KaizenKit SubscriptionProduction Instance Spec Yearly Subscription Price (USD)Integration Capabilities
KZ3232GB RAM$35,000
KZ32X32GB RAM$45,000Included
KZ6464GB RAM$60,000
KZ64X64GB RAM$75,000Included
KZ128128GB RAM$100,000
KZ128X128GB RAM$125,000Included
KZ256256GB RAM$150,000
KZ256X256GB RAM$175,000Included